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martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Me gusta la República


Qué es Helsinki?
Ki(Key)= Llave

Helsinki= Gel sin llave


PD: Chiste inventado mientras se hacia una cosa que diré mañana a la tarde. jajaja no vaya a ser!
Lo que no podía decir era que lo inventé mientras grababamos el video para Raquel. XD

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Chiste verbal (de verbos)

Por qué los de Canarias no pueden las primera y tercera persona del singular del pretérito imperfecto de indicativo del verbo ir????

Porque no pagan IVA.


La ciriseñal. LOOOOOL

Luis, the hungry frog.

I know this is not a joke but I think is funny. LOL

There is a frog, a black and yellow frog. His name is luis. He is very funny and he chases other animals. He enjoys it. One day, a tiger appears and he fights with luis, but luis is very strong and he eats the tiger. Suddenly, a bear talks to luis and tries to convince him to stop eating animals, but he says. - I'M HUNGRY!!- and he eats the bear too.
Have you seen a frog recently? Is it luis? Be careful! HE IS HUNGRY!!

Rubio, Ciri and Luis dixit.


Quién es el rey de la tela? El quintela.
Diego&bea dixit

Chiste en la plaza del hierro

Curasanes o mataenfermos?

English joke. The best one ever. XD

Cris: now you're going to work in pairs.
Ciri: in pears or in apples?

Hasta Stuart se rió